We offer a variety of products to make the air quality in your home safer and healthier.
Digital Setback Thermostat
Saving energy with virtually no effort

A digital setback thermostat is designed for people with fixed schedules that take them in and out of the home. With it, you can program the temperature to ‘set back’ when you are not at home. This feature keeps you comfortable when you’re home and saves you money when you’re not by reducing the energy needs to heat and cool your home.
Digital setback thermostats are available in what are called 5+2 day configurations and 7-day configurations. The difference is flexibility. A 5+2 day configuration allows you to set Monday–Friday as a group setting with up to four different time settings. This configuration also allows you to set Saturday and Sunday as a separate group with up to four different time settings per day. The 7-day configuration thermostat allows you to program each day differently with up to four different time settings per day.
High-Efficiency Air Filters
Upgrade your air filter for your family’s health

Most heating and cooling systems still use a basic air filter.
These filters were
originally designed to protect the equipment and not the people served by the equipment.
The average air filter is only capable of removing 3–5% of the particles that pass through it. Today, however, there are several types of permanent air filters available in various efficiencies that can help you filter the air in your home. If you suffer from allergies, asthma, hay fever or other breathing difficulties, there is an air filter that can help you. We can even provide you with the same type of air filter used in hospital operating rooms.
Ductwork Modifications
Putting comfort where it was meant to be
Improperly sized or designed ductwork is the most common reason people are not comfortable in their own homes. Imagine for a moment that your furnace is your lungs. Now imagine that you are running a 1-mile race. If you are in good shape you should have no problem. Now imagine that you have to run that same 1-mile race breathing through a cocktail straw. No matter how good of shape you are in, you will never run the race as fast and easily as if you could breath normally. This inability to breathe is what happens when your furnace is forced to operate through improperly sized ductwork.
By custom fabricating sheet metal ductwork, we can quickly and efficiently build any necessary parts of duct to modify and enhance the performance of your system. Even if your entire duct system needs replacement, we can design and fabricate a new system in less than a day.
Flow-through Humidifier
The best way to humidify your home
With the proper level of humidity in your home, you will feel more comfortable and breathe easier. You can eliminate that dry eye, nose and throat feeling you have when you wake up in the morning. Humidity also reduces or eliminates static electricity. It protects the investment in your home and your furniture because proper humidity prevents wood from cracking and peeling.
A flow-through humidifier can be easily added to any forced air heating system. The advantage with this type of humidifier is that it provides humidity without breeding or spreading mold or mildew. This is in contrast to the humidifiers that use a reservoir where water can stagnate–a perfect environment for mold and mildew growth. A flow-through humidifier is easy to maintain. It has no moving parts and is designed to operate with no mineral or mold buildup.
Residential Zoning Systems
The guaranteed way to solve “too hot” and “too cold” problems
Imagine if every time you turned on a light switch, every electrical device in your home came on or if every time you went to wash your hands, every faucet, shower, tub, and toilet opened up. That would be crazy! So why is it that when you need heating in one room, the entire house heats up? Now you can zone your heating and cooling so that you don’t have to heat or cool your entire home when you don’t need to.
Our home zoning system is specially designed to allow your entire family to be comfortable, regardless of where they are in your home. Now you can divide your home’s ductwork into specific zones that can be controlled independently, whether heating or cooling. Imagine the bedrooms on one zone, the family room on another, and the kitchen on a third. Even better yet, you can finally control that hard-to-heat and cool addition for which you paid a fortune.
Carbon Monoxide Detector
An important line of defense for the ones you love
Carbon monoxide is a tasteless, odorless, colorless gas that occurs as a result of burning fuels, including propane, gas, charcoal, and wood. Carbon monoxide poisoning occurs when there is too much of this element in the air, causing your body to replace the oxygen in your red blood cells with carbon monoxide. This can lead to serious tissue damage or even be fatal.
Your best line of defense against carbon monoxide poisoning is a reliable carbon monoxide detector. That way, if an appliance or engine in your home malfunctions and releases excess carbon monoxide, you’ll know before it’s too late. Our top-of-the-line products ensure you and your family stay safe from this serious threat.